Wood Boilers

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Product line logo for Wood Boilers
BTU/hrTypical Heating Capacity (square ft)Weight (lbs)Flue Size (in)Fuel TypeOptional Backup FuelResidential/ Commercial
Super E110120,0003,0001,4006Soft, Hard Logwood*Fuel Oil, Propane, Natural GasResidential
Super E210170,000 (120,000 based on 8hr burn time)4,0002,2856Soft, Hard LogwoodFuel Oil, Propane, NGResidential
E100100,0003,0001,4006Soft, Hard Logwood*Fuel Oil, Propane, NGCommercial
E140140,0004,0001,6506Soft, Hard Logwood*Fuel Oil, Propane, NGCommercial
E180180,0005,0002,1006Soft, Hard Logwood*, Biomass*Fuel Oil, Propane, NGCommercial
E200200,0007,0003,0008Soft, Hard Logwood*, Biomass*Fuel Oil, Propane, NGCommercial
E250250,0009,0003,0008Soft, Hard Logwood*, Biomass*Fuel Oil, Propane, NGCommercial
E500500,00020,0004,50010Soft, Hard Logwood*, Biomass*N/ACommercial
E1000995,00050,0009,00012Soft, Hard Logwood*, Biomass*N/ACommercial

(Click product image for more detailed specifications)

* Commercial only per EPA requirements

Manufactured Since 1981

The Wood Gun series wood boilers have been manufactured for over 40 years. Our small team here in Pennsylvania takes pride in making high-quality wood boilers, each made to the ASME and UL standards.

Best Warranty

The E100-E250 Wood Gun boilers use ¼” thick Type 304 stainless steel in the construction of the firebox, heat exchanger, and door frames. We use Type 304 stainless steel for its unsurpassed quality and longevity. Our stainless-steel boilers show no signs of deterioration, even after well over 35 years of service. This is why we gave our wood boiler vessels a 20-year warranty, with the first ten years being completely covered for both labor and materials! We stand behind our products and trust our team who builds them!

For the E500 & E1000, our larger commercial wood boilers, we use type-304 stainless steel in areas where corrosion is likely to happen, specifically anywhere before the combustion chamber.

Wood Gasification

These wood furnaces harness all the power wood can provide. Gasification is a big word that means the capture and burning of wood gas, aka smoke. Smoke and creosote are unburnt fuel, not to mention they pose a risk for fire and your health. These wood furnaces completely burn the smoke and creosote.

True Downdraft Boiler

The Wood Guns have a specially designed firebox. The floor is made of refractory (firebrick). The fire is pulled down through the “floor” into the combustion chamber, where an intense flame reaches temperatures of 2,000F. With the correct air/fuel ratio, this intense flame allows us to capture up to 60% more of the energy found in wood.

Cut Wood Usage in Half

The Wood Gun line is one of the most fuel-efficient wood boilers. Because we are completely burning the smoke and creosote, we are using more of the wood’s available energy rather than sending it up the flue. This means you will cut less wood, stack less wood, and load less wood. It sounds like a win, win, win.

Swirl Chamber

Another amazing innovation our wood boilers use is our signature heat exchanger called the Swirl Chamber. The swirl chamber is upwards of 85% efficient. It also cleans itself using high-velocity air and fly ash. The scrubbing action allows maintenance to be needed only once per season. In this small area, we can decrease the 2,000F exhaust temperature down to about 350F!


The Wood Gun cycles on and off much like an oil or gas-fired boiler. All of the doors and the automatic air intake are gasketed. Therefore, during the off-cycle, air does not enter the boiler. This causes the flame to go out quickly and combustion to stop. Without flame, the boiler cannot make more heat, so overheating is never an issue. When air is allowed back into the wood chamber, the huge, superheated refractory immediately rekindles the fire, and the Wood Gun starts generating heat again.

Optional Fuel Backup

The Wood Gun can be equipped with a backup system. You can select from fuel oil, propane, or natural gas. The burner mounts to the wood boiler and fires into the swirl chamber. This eliminates the need for a second appliance, a second chimney, and all the piping that goes with it.

After 40 years of history, we have created the Super Wood Gun series. These wood gasification boilers are overengineered for longevity and built with high-grade 304 Stainless steel. This new generation of wood boiler is more efficient and burns cleaner than the original. The Super Wood Gun was built to exceed the new federal emission laws. We currently have two model in this series the Super E210 and the Super E210 Outdoor.