Commercial heating needs typically require a boiler or furnace that outputs a higher number of BTUs per hour than systems used for residences. Alternate Heating Systems has boilers that produce up to 1,000,000 BTUs per hour. Below are the models from our product families that particularly meet the needs of commercial operations.
Note that any of our boilers, including models with smaller BTU/hour output as well as our Outdoor Wood Furnaces and Outdoor Coal Boilers, could be used to heat a commercial space so long as they are sized appropriately for the space being heated.

Wood Boilers
The Super Wood Gun series are wood gasification boilers that use the most advanced technology available. They burn 66% less wood than a traditional wood burner. These units meet all the newest EPA requirements for residential applications!

Coal Boilers
These coal boilers are engineered for simplicity and efficiency. Our Coal Gun series are self-maintaining coal stoker boilers that are easy to use, low-maintenance, and suitable for any application.

Outdoor Coal Boilers
Our time-proven Coal Gun with outdoor housing. These automatic coal boilers can run for up to 30 days without you touching them!

Waste Oil Boilers
Our high-quality waste oil boilers are engineered to be maintenance-friendly. We have three different series to choose from, and they easily heat +50,000 sqft. Our systems will serve you for decades to come.