Standard refractory Center Brick provide the most predictable performance and service life for your Wood Gun boiler. Normal replacement cycle will vary with service duty of boiler, but typically Center Brick are replaced every 1 1/2 to 3 years. It is very important to replace Center Brick before nozzle wear leads to the erosion of brick support ledges on the Wood Gun Side Brick. This item is used in the following boilers:
- E200- Qty 1
Approximate weight per brick: 4 lbs
Measurements: 7.75 IN x 3.75 IN x 1.75 IN
Install with smallest openings facing up. Center Brick nozzles are tapered, with the largest openings intended to be facing down. The bottom of the brick may be noticeably rougher. It may also have some gloss (shininess).
If your side brick are missing the Center Brick ledge, due to wear, consider the 8″ [433-062] Cap Center Brick as a replacement. The steel version of this item is [423-052]
Parts & Options, Wood Gun Parts, Refractory, Center Brick
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